
Seaweed Cultivation

Germplasm Bank

Seaweed germplasm bank is critical in the seaweed aquaculture industry as well as for biodiversity conservation. Most banks in Korea maintain strains of several commercially cultivated genera, Pyropia, Saccharina and Undaria. The MEGA Lab has one of the largest seaweed seedbanks in the world, maintaining over 160 strains in 24 different species, including 15 reds, 6 greens and 3 browns.

Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA)

Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) is an environmentally friendly aquaculture technology, consisting of fed- and extractive-aquaculture components in one system, therefore reducing environmental stresses in the local environment.

The MEGA Lab designs land-based IMTA systems and conducts research projects with partner institutions in Korea, the Americas, Europe and Asia.

Land-Based Cultivation

Land-based seaweed aquaculture can control environmental conditions optimal for the growth of target species, such as nutrients, light, CO2, salinity, etc. This technology may cost more but guarantees to meet the quality standards and biosafety measures for human consumption, as well as for other valuable applications in cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries

The MEGA Lab conducts research projects to develop suitable seaweed species for the land-based system and economically feasible cultivation technology.

Thermo-Tolerant Cultivar (Strain) Development

Climate change causes a decline in seaweed production. Therefore, the development of thermal tolerant seaweed strains is an urgent task in the seaweed aquaculture industry. The MEGA Lab develops thermal tolerant strains using innovative technologies in selection, hybridization, genetic breeding, etc. This lab also develops novel cultivation technology that may enhance thermal-tolerance and productivity of seaweed.